“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step …”

Mind, Body, and Spirit, LLC
3 min readMay 6, 2022

As I write this official post, I’ve set a timer in my mind for 30 minutes and I’m just going to write. No expectations, no worries, just let my words flow. I wonder who it is that will end up reading this … is there a reason why? What is your why? Sometimes we find ourselves defining this construct of a why in our mind, something we have to constantly go back to … to feel like this life has a purpose, when that’s just not true. We all hold onto our why our reason to stay grounded in our human experience, but the spiritual path is different — the enlightened path is no less the same — it’s letting go and trusting the inner wisdom that guides you — taking one step forward at a time. Sometimes all you ever see is your next step, you might even ask yourself why you’re taking the step in this direction, will it lead you closer to a life you’ve envisioned or farther away — have you found contentment in the stillness of the moment?

There are times you may push blindly forward not even knowing if you’re taking the correct path — remember one thing, the path in front of you is always clear, don’t be deceived by something other than what’s in front of you. As you envision a world in your reality that is different than the reality you currently hold in your present state, be clear about what your next move will be. Always move forward, life is constantly shifting and changing — yes, the precious moments are fleeting — those times when you CAN stop and smell the roses — nevertheless, enjoy the shifting states — there’s a peace and calmness found in watching and observing change without actively playing a part in it.

As I shift towards another perspective, I ask myself did anything I just write make sense, are my readers aware of what just happened? There’s a connection that occurs when you are able to understand the essence of something with a knowing in your heart — there are times I want to hit fast forward in my life — jump straight to the ending and watch the movie just to be sure it played out the way I wanted it to. There’s a satisfaction found in knowing it did and it will.

Have you ever sat in silence and simply felt the emotions run through your heart, are you able to sit peacefully and watch the playback of scenes unfold in your mind’s eye. Some visions are emotions, traumas, fantasies, memories — but all of those visions are real, by simply envisioning it, you’ve experienced it, the essence of what needed to be conveyed — however, the only person who sees and feels the experience is you — isn’t it amazing to be aware of that? No one else has true access to those thoughts, those visions, those scenes, those experiences in your being, but YOU — find power in knowing that you are connected to HIS Source energy that provides clarity — clarity from within.

There are deep and abstract concepts here, it may not easily be grasped by those who have not walked a spiritual path. Take this moment right now to breathe, to smile, just smile and be at peace with wherever you are. The shift has already taken place, there is only one action step to take now — read more of our blog and our journey…

Mind, Body, and Spirit, LLC was founded in 2015 and established in California.

